Saturday, January 14, 2012

Tai Cheng Pre-Order Coming Soon to

Tai Cheng Pre-Order Coming Soon to

Currently being tested and filmed, Tai Cheng is Beachbody's newest and perhaps most comprehensive fitness program that will soon be available for pre-order. Based on the movements, concepts, and theories of traditional Yang style Tai-Chi, the Beachbody Tai Cheng workout program is named after its creator, Dr. Mark Cheng. The Mandarin Chinese translation of Tai Cheng (as we've conceived of it here at Beachbody) is the "Supreme Accomplishment" in whole body health.

Look for more exciting details and the upcoming release date so you can experience Tai Cheng in your own home! Check back soon to purchase your Tai Cheng Pre-Order.

Dr. Mark Cheng is a martial arts master trainer with three decades of experience in Tai-Chi. His background as a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner (licensed acupuncturist; Ph.D. in Chinese medicine and acupuncture) and a physical therapy-based corrective exercise expert has allowed him to bring the ancient martial arts and wellness practices of Tai-Chi into the modern era for a modern audience living a modern lifestyle. The Tai Cheng program shows you how to customize a workout that feels good, challenges your body, gives you energy, improves circulation, straightens posture, opens your joints, reduces painful trigger points, and promotes balance and flexibility so that your health actually improves as you age. Be sure to pre-order Tai Cheng soon.

The Tai Cheng workout is based on classical Tai-Chi techniques, ancient Chi Kung practices, and modern corrective exercise patterns that both rehab and prehab the body, improving the body's metabolism, joint function, stress management, and athletic performance!

This 13 week regimen delivers tremendous benefits, whether you're doing the first level moves and using the support of a wall or you're an elite athlete who is looking to improve your athletic performance in safer, more holistic ways.

Every day, Tai Cheng takes you through a gentle energizing warm up and teaches you a new Tai-Chi move. These workouts are designed to improve balance, awaken dormant energy sources, tone and strengthen your muscles, soothe stiffness, and increase your range of motion.

Message me to get on the 'Give Me Info' list for Tai Cheng!! I will let you know as SOON as it is available for pre-orders!

Talk Soon Fellow Health Junkies! From Elders to Athletes ... there's something for everybody!!

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