Wednesday, August 31, 2011

P90X2! MORE Muscle Confusion!!

Beachbody has developed a sequel to it's infamous P90X brand. The sequel named P90X2 is scheduled to be released in the November December timeframe. If you're a P90X, Insanity, or ChaLEAN Extreme grad P90X2 is for you! The truth is that no matter if you're a grad or not, anyone can expect to get stronger, more flexible, and more ripped from this program.
This workout is designed for maximum intensity and efficiency. In fact, the completely redesigned program still has a 90 day timetable but will be so intense and efficient that it will only require a 5 day a week commitment. Unlike P90X that was 6 days a week.
From this week’s webinar in with Tony Horton himself, I learned some of the specifics about the marketing, packaging, and pricing of P90X2.
P90X2 will be sold on DVD as well as Blu-Ray. Although the number of disks will be less, you will pay an additional $30 for the Blu-Ray format.
Base Kit  - Includes 12 Disc DVD workouts, 1 “How To” Disc, Nutrition Guide, Exercise Guide, and 90 Day Calendar.
Base Kit
Deluxe Kit  - Includes Base Kit plus – 2 Extra DVD workouts (V-Sculpt & X2 Chest, Shoulder,Tri) 1 Balance Ball, 2 Medicine balls, 1 Plyo/Yoga Mat.
Deluxe Kit
Ultimate Kit -  Includes everything from Deluxe kits plus – 2 Push up stands and premium grade foam roller (new piece of equipment).
For those of you who already have medicine balls and stability balls, it doesn’t make a lot of sense to pay an extra $120 for the deluxe kit just to get the 2 extra workouts. The latest news from Beachbody is that  2 extra X2 workouts will be sold separate. The V Sculpt and Chest / Shoulders / Tris will be available separately. If you already have the equipment, you won’t need to buy the deluxe kit to get those 2 workouts!
Nutrition Guide:
There is a completely new nutrition guide that not only takes the original concepts to new levels, but there are also alternative options to optimize the nutrition for vegan, vegetarian, and gluten free diets.  There are basically 27 diet guides in 1 now!
Food Guide

It’s been made quite clear that the P90X2 workouts and exercises can be done with very little equipment. This was done not to suggest that equipment isn’t needed, rather it was done for busy travelers that felt it too cumbersome to pack up a chinup bar or weights when going out of town. You can do the entire workout with just bands and furniture if needed, but you’ll also be able to really get the most out of the workouts with some additional items like the medicine balls, stability ball, foam roller, powerstands, dumbbells, and a pullup bar.
Here is the list of equipment that is recommended to complete the program.
  1. Resistance Bands (several different resistance amounts)
  2. Chin up bar
  3. Dumbbells
  4. Balance or Stability Ball
  5. Foam Roller
  6. Chin Up Bar Supporter
  7. Medicine Balls
  8. Power Stands
The DVDs:
  1. How To "Bring It" Again – The P90X2 How To Guide.
  2. Recovery and Mobility – Workout emphasizing not only stretching but also the importance of recovery.
  3. Chest, Back & Balance – Moves Taken from P90X 1 on 1 vol 3. Exercises include 3-ball plyo push ups, and 4-ball push ups.
  4. P.A.P. Upper – Post Activation Potentiation (Upper Body)
  5. P.A.P. Lower – Post Activation Potentiation (Lower Body)
  6. Plyocide – P90X was about vertical jumps. X2 is about vertical (up & down) and lateral (side to side) moves.
  7. Base & Back – A combination of plyo and pullups. In Tony's words the "Mother of all workouts."
  8. Balance & Power – A combination of balance components to strength components. An extremely unique combo.
  9. Yoga – A constant flow approach to yoga, eliminating the standing balance moves with a shortened warm-up.
  10. Ab Ripper – Fifer Scissors with a twist! Other moves from P90X 1-on-1, vol. 3, like the Abronome
  11. Total Body – Example moves like One-Armed Bicep Curl while in Warrior 3, Pull-Ups in a crunch position, and Plyo Push-Ups using a balance ball.
  12. Shoulders & Arms – Moves like Pike presses on 2 balls with feet elevated, using instability to improve strength.
  13. X2 Core – An intense blend of plyo moves and core exercises. The Next Level of Core Synergistics.
  14. V Sculpt – V-Sculpt is going to be a Back/Bicep killer. *Only available in the Deluxe & Ultimate kits
  15. X2 Chest, Shoulder & Tri – Similar to P90X with different sequences and exercises. *Available in the Deluxe & Ultimate kits. Will also be sold separately.
Preorder Dates & Benefits:
  1. Preorder P90X2 beginning September 1st, 2011. If preorder is placed between 9/1/2011 & 9/5/2011 no shipping will be charged by Beachbody. If you order after 9/5/2011Beachbody will charge you for shipping. Credit card information will be taken at time of preorder but will no be charged until program ships. Your credit card info is used as your “reservation” spot.
  2. Preorders placed during the first 5 days of September will also receive (2) FREE BONUS WORKOUTS FROM THE ONE-ON-ONE SERIES; “P90X One on One 4 Legs” & “P90X One on One Upper Body Balance”
  3. The only way to ensure your P90X2 will be delivered by 12/25/2011 is to preorder.
  4. If you preorder, you will be entered in to weekly prize giveaway. Prizes range from P90X2 apparel to equipment.
  5. If you preorder, you will be eligible for the grand prize giveaway. The winner will receive a signed copy of P90X2 delivered by Tony Horton himself! 
To Pre-Order your P90x2 beginning September 1st, 2011 click here

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