Converting visitors into customers isn’t as difficult as some people make it out to be. Whether you’re selling an eBook for $7 or a computer for $1,000 the same methods and tactics are used to make visitors purchase what you’re offering, so how do you go about it properly?
Converting visitors into customers can be done pretty easily when you implement some sneaky and highly useful tactics. Here are some of the best ways to get conversions.
Tip #1.) Get targeted traffic.
The more targeted and “primed” the visitors coming to your page are the better they will convert—plain and simple. If you’re sending untargeted traffic to your page that is promoting a dog training or weight loss offer and they came from a golfing video on YouTube, you’ll have very little chance of converting these people into sales. Get laser targeted traffic and constantly work on refining your sources of traffic for the best results.
Tip #2.) Make an offer that’s impossible to refuse.
If you’re offering something valuable and worthwhile to your customers that can actually help them—make it clear. Don’t be bogus or hype up your offer with unrealistic claims or fake proof, be honest and be clear about the actual value you’re going to offer them if they make a purchase. What do they get out of it? How are you going to make their life easier or more enjoyable? Highlight these points in your website’s sales copy.
Tip #3.) Split test everything.
If you’ve got a standard internet marketer’s sales page with long sales copy and images and the whole “shebang” you should be split testing different sales copy, different headers, different images and even different “Buy Now” buttons. This goes for virtually any site as well, regardless of what you’re selling. Large sites like split test everything possible and it’s easy to see why: one little change can make a huge difference in converting visitors into customers.
Tip #4.) Get feedback from your visitors.
If you’ve got a larger website or one with multiple pages, getting feedback from your visitors could be crucial. Knowing if your visitors have trouble visiting pages, getting images or forms to load or any other problems are important to know about and the average visitor isn’t going to take the time to email you. Make it easy for your visitors to contact you or even set up a survey form on your site. If people have trouble with navigating your site fix it right away. If people give you feedback about format or spelling errors fix them right away.
Converting visitors into customers is a lot like a recipe for a cake. You need all the components and ingredients working together to get the end result (a sale!)Once you’ve mastered this and have found a system and solution that works to convert traffic you can usually replicate it across all of your sites for similar conversions. Of course always take external factors into consideration like different audiences and sources of traffic.
So, what do you think? Do you have other tips that will help people convert? If so, share them here!
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