Saturday, January 29, 2011

Blog Posts on Facebook

Everyone should use Facebook for at least one aspect of their blog’s marketing. That’s almost a fact.
Just about every entrepreneur blog will tell you that you should be implementing their social plugins, or posting to your Facebook page wall with your RSS feed... and for some people that sounds like a lot of work.
Sure, the social plugins have got much easier, being copy and paste – but what about feeding your Facebook page with cool blog content for your Facebook only readers? What could be better than a seamless join from your page to your blog – complete with SEO titles, links and summaries?
Thankfully, it is not as hard as it seems – and as usual, I’ve laid it out nice and simple for those of you who want to implement this feature on your Facebook page. When you create a page on Facebook, you can add links to videos, your blog pages or just about anything else. This can become an arduous task when you have got a hundred other things to do. What you need is to automate the process, so that every time you post a blog post, the Facebook page is updated via RSS. There’s plugins galore for this type of thing, and little hacks here and there – but by far the easiest method is using Facebook’s actual built-in Notes feature.
Firstly, log into your Facebook page, and navigate to your page. You will see your Wall, Info and Discussions tabs, and a plus sign. Click this and add notes. Now, add a tab for the Notes application.
Click the Write a new Note button. At the top right of your page, you will see a small icon that looks like a piece of lined notepaper. This is the Notes icon. Click this.
Again, on the right, you will see Note Settings. And under this, Import a blog. Wait – don’t rush into it and stop reading this! Here you need to paste your RSS Feed URL from your blog, in the Web URL box. Import your blog, and confirm everything.
Now, go to your page, and click Edit page.
Scroll down the page, and you will see an installed application called Notes. Click Application Settings on this box. You will now get a small popup that enables you to set Additional Permissions for the application. Tick the box that says Publish to streams.
That’s it – you are done!
Source: Sean Donahoe 

The Benefits of Green Tea

Green tea
 Produced from the leaves of Camellia Sinensis by some special processes. Unlike black tea, it has little amount of caffeine which causes to insomnia, nausea and frequent urination.
This is the list of benefits of green tea which I’ve found during my research.
  1. It is used to treat multiple sclerosis.
  2. It is used for treatment and prevention of cancer.
  3. It is used to stop Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases.
  4. It is used to raise the metabolism and increase fat oxidation.
  5. It reduces the risk of heart diseases and heart attacks by reducing the risk of trombosis.
  6. It reduces the risk of esophageal cancer.
  7. Drinking green tea inhibits the growth of certain cancer cells, reduces the level of cholesterol in blood, improves the ratio of good cholesterol to bad cholesterol.
  8. It is used to treat rheumatoid arthritis and cardiovascular diseases
  9. It is used to treat impaired immune function. .
  10. Some researches show that, drinking green tea regularly may help prevent tooth decay by killing the bacteria which causes the dental plaque
Read more:
 If you’re working out regularly, giving your body a constant supply of antioxidants can promote quicker recovery on a cellular level. And drinking green tea is a good way to vary your antioxidant intake. On top of its antioxidant properties, green tea can help protect the cardiovascular system and increase metabolic rate (which supports weight control), and may provide some anticancer and blood pressure–reducing benefits. Team Beachbody newsletter as part of the WOWY super gym experience.  
Green tea has always been, and remains today, the most popular type of tea from China where most historians and botanists believe the tea plant originated throughout all of Asia.The plant of which leaves and buds we make the famous green tea is called Camellia sinensis (“sinensis” means “Chinese” in Latin), an evergreen shrub or a small tree that is usually trimmed to below 2 m when cultivated for its leaves. It grows at 4000 m altitude in Himalaya. The Camellia sinensis flowers are yellow-white, 3-4 cm in diameter and with 7-8 petals.
The Chinese have known about the medicinalgreen tea benefits since ancient times, using it to treat everything from headaches to depression. Recently green tea has been receiving much attention. As a result, we now have several green tea medical reports and studies by accredited institutions concluding that Green Tea contains many healthful and healing properties. Drinking green tea has been shown to provide the human body with various health enhancing components. FEEL THE HEALTH BENEFITS OF GREEN TEA Green tea, recognized worldwide for its therapeutic properties, contains powerful flavonoids called catechins. The chief catechin in green tea is epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which is a powerful antioxidant with anti-inflammatory, cholesterol lowering, fat burning and other beneficial properties. Benefits of green tea and its effects were discovered 4,000 years ago and since then has been considered a wonder drink! 

Shocking Rise In Arthritis Rates

Shocking rise in arthritis rates

Obesity won't just make you fat, sick and dead -- it'll also leave you crippled, weak and battling constant pain.

We've reached stunning new levels of national feebleness: New numbers show 52 million Americans -- that's nearly a quarter of all adults -- now struggle with arthritis. Twenty-one million of them say the condition is so severe that it limits what they can do.

But apparently, it didn't limit the ability to have another double cheeseburger, fries and cola -- supersize, please -- since these arthritis-stricken Americans just so happen to be overwhelmingly obese.

In fact, they make up the overwhelming majority of the arthritis patients -- suffering from the condition at nearly double the rate of normal-weight people.

According to the CDC, 18.9 percent of normal-weight women and 13.8 percent of normal-weight men suffer from arthritis... but it hits 33.8 percent of obese women and 25.2 percent of obese men.

And more than 60 percent of all obese people will suffer knee osteoarthritis at some point in their lives.

But what would you expect? Human knees were perfectly engineered to support humans... not 300-pound flesh mountains.

One study by Johns Hopkins University Hospital found that 10 extra pounds increases the force on each knee by between 30 and 60 pounds with every step.

Just imagine what being 30 or 40 pounds overweight will do!

The researchers behind the new study say arthritis is now our leading cause of disability, and costs us $128 billion a year -- and it's not going to get any better in the foreseeable future.

It's getting worse... much, much worse. The researchers estimate that by 2030, 67 million Americans will be suffering from arthritis.

I have no idea how they arrived at that number or how accurate it'll turn out to be -- but it wouldn't be surprising. Heck, if anything it sounds a little on the low side.

Of course, arthritis isn't limited to obese people. Live long enough, and you're bound to experience it yourself.

 "So let's get on board and change some things around!" ~JaNene Dorsett-Koch
Via Tony Horton. Beachbody Trainer. Creator of P90x, Power90, 10-Minute Trainer, and Tony Horton: One on One
And latest accomplishment: Author!! "Tony Horton: Bring It!"

Live Your Life the Fit Way with Independent Coaching

Independent Beachbody Coaching is a great way to earn money, get fit, and have fun.

  • You do not need to be web savy, write hundreds of articles, or send emails out daily
  • You do not need to be in super model shape

If you decide to be a Beachbody Coach there  is one main thing to do right away.
  • Become an Emerald coach as soon as possible! This means that there are two active coaches underneath you
  • Emerald allows you to qualify for lead generation
  • Lead generation means Beachbody assigns you customers!!!
  • Customers simply means $$ in your bank account.
And there's more:
  • You get commission off of all future purchases from the customers Beachbody gives you
What does this mean?  It means that as you are amassing these customers you are building a rapidly generating residual income pool.  Lets say you get 20 new customers a month, and 5 of those customers decide to purchase Shakeology monthly. Theres $150 a month.
Now… lets say you have been a coach on the lead generation 6 months, and now have 120 customers… and 30 of them decide to do Shakeology every month… do the math.
All of this, and you invest as much or as little time as you like.  You can take an active interest in your customers, or a more lax roll, the choice is yours.
Now… for the even better news
  • You earn bonuses from every coach underneath you…
  • The bonuses build very, very rapidly
This is what blows the roof off of the Beachbody coaching opportunity compared to other opportunities out there.

What you want
  • A good coach to start with, one that will teach you what you need to know and take personal interest such as myself
  • A desire to succeed
  • A desire to be healthy
  • And all in all the desire to see other people succeed
There are so many ways to market the business, including many options in your online office supplied by Beachbody.

I would be honored to talk to you about the incredible opportunity that this is and to have you on my team.

This really is the perfect time to get involved with this organization, all you need is the desire to succeed!

Take the opportunity to check out my site and click on the Coach tab to start up your own business.

Email me at, Call me/Text me at 951-807-8222c

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Social Media and the Small Business Owner

SociaSocial Media Marketing For Businessl Media and using social media marketing for business has been around for many years now. It is only in recent months that it has really caught fire amongst mainstream media. How many times do you turn on the news or favorite talk show without the television personality telling you how you can follow them on Twitter? However, my question to you as an online entrepreneur is “Are you taking full advantage of this for your business?”

So, what I thought I would do today is give you 9 very compelling reasons why you should be taking advantage of social media marketing for business purposes and why you should not be sitting on the fence...

1. Social media marketing allows you to compete with the big boys on the same level.

It does not matter if you are working from home or a small business. You can be perceived in the same light as any large corporation or even celebrity over time. Not only that, it is a great way to spread your message far and wide without impacting your marketing budget.

2. It is a great way to connect directly with your target market in an “informal” setting.

This is great for attracting new customers that you would never have met but for social media marketing.

3. You break down the barriers of communication using social media,

building rapport, trust and credibility with your audience. This naturally turns into long-term relationships and ultimately sales of your products or services.

4.  You can talk directly to your customers, answer questions or ask questions and get honest feedback,

This is a great way to be seen by your audience and this will also help you target your sales message to address concerns in your market as well as their needs and wants.

5. Social media marketing will help you stand out from the crowd in your industry.

If you adopt a solid social media marketing presence, you will have a huge advantage over your competition that does not utilize this form of communication.

6. You are accessing a global community of potential customers.

 If your product or service can be catered to customers all over the world, then take advantage of social media marketing to get your message to every corner of the world.

7. You can use social media for powerful market research.

If you have built a solid rapport with your audience, as well as trust, you can tap into this and perform detailed market research. You could put out surveys, ask questions of your market and watch exactly how your audience reacts to different tactics. This is priceless information for the online entrepreneur.

8. It gives everyone an equal voice.

So, even if you are naturally shy, you can still shine like a celebrity and have people listen to what you have to say with rapt attention.

9. It lets your genuine passion and interest in your business come through in your communications.

This helps build trust and allows people to relate to you and your products or services that you offer. This has the psychological effect of pre-selling and pre-qualifying your potential customers and is going to create a higher conversion of visitors to customers.

Ultimately, the choice is yours if you decide to use social media marketing for business or not. However, consider this one key point, is your competition going to sit on the fence forever and do you want to allow them to get a head start on you? Let me know your thoughts on this and tell the other readers why they should be using social media marketing in their business.

The Small Business Owner & Customers

Can Your Customers Become Your Sales Team?
This is something that many businesses, again, overlook. Your customers can actually be your best sales force.
Outside of such things as word-of-mouth advertising, you can actually create an incentive for your customers to promote your business directly to others who need your products or services.
This could be in the form of a finder’s fee or a discount on your particular goods or services. This makes it a win-win situation for both you and your customer and has two effects. First, your customer will be more loyal to you and come back to you to buy your goods or services to employ that discount. Secondly, they will be very vocal in recommending you where possible to new potential clients and customers.
Now, if you have hundreds of customers or clients that can create a massive flood of new business. So think about how you can create that new relationship with your customers and how that will help grow your business.

Friday, January 21, 2011

The Small Business Owner and Twitter

With 200 million users that are actively listening, engaging, and responding in 140 clicks; twitter is a top social media forum for connecting customers with your brand, product, or service.
Here are some current tools that have changed how to utilize twitter to your advantage.

Tweetdeck systematically changes how you see and use twitter on a daily basis.  With customizable settings and tools which allow notification sounds for mentions & direct messages; and columns which you can personalize to include trending topics, or key words that would be of interest to your business.  For example if you are a realtor, you could create a column to have users show up that are tweeting about ‘selling my house’ which would allow you to be able to reach out to a new client that you may have not found otherwise. You can easily find out where the user is located, reply to them, or send them a private direct message.  Tweetdeck offers the user the ability to connect with people in real time. There also are many quick perks such as url shortening while creating a tweet to direct people to your landing page.  Tweetdeck allows you to participate in the conversation as it’s happening to get a better understanding of your potential customer or client.  The latest version is available at

Another game changer for you is hootsuite.  The updated version is availble at  where you can sign up and link your twitter account in no time flat.  You have the ability to schedule tweets here; creating a draft and picking the day/time you would like your tweet to go out.  Thus saving you precious time and giving you an option of social media management made easy. Hootsuite is one of the ways people are connecting to their customers and potential customers around the nation and the world while they lay in their bed recooping for the next day.

This brings us to tweetadder. Tweetadder has truly changed the way people use their twitter account.  It is user-friendly, has online tutorials, and is a true ‘set it and forget it’ software.  With tweetadder you automate your account; giving you the advantage to have your business out there in real time, anytime.  You have a new era of automation here; tweets posted every 20 minutes is an option (you choose the time allotment).  This software allows the user to auto-follow with a to-follow list or tweet search which even includes a location and mile radius search.  A follow back option, unfollow, re-tweet  and thank you messages are also some of the automated options and benefits to the business owner.  3rd party tools maximize twitter and social media for your business’ automated tweets and follows.  Although not free, this software is coveted by twitter users and is available at for a one time fee.  

If you need a twitter account, visit to sign up.

These sources are changing the way small business owners are driving volume to their products.  You will reach people while they are at lunch, on the subway, or walking in the park; where print ads and tv marketing are not readily available.  Yet your small business is available on their smart phones at all times. Social media is changing the way you do business. Using these to your advantage gives you the ability to actively listen, engage and respond in conversations putting your landing page directly in front of your new customer or client.   

Follow me on Twitter for more insight in 140 clicks!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

American Diabetes Association partners with Beachbody

 Now for the first time, the American Diabetes Association has joined with Beachbody® and Kathy Smith to help fight this devastating disease.

If you or someone you love has been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes or pre-diabetes, you may help manage or prevent it with the revolutionary new lifestyle program, Kathy Smith's Project:YOU! Type 2®.
Developed in conjunction with doctors, certified diabetes educators, and the American Diabetes Association, Project:YOU! Type 2 is the first all-in-one solution to help manage diabetes, reduce your risk for diabetes complications, and get you back in control of your life!

According to the American Diabetes Association®, regular exercise may prevent type 2 diabetes in those at risk. For those with diabetes, regular exercise may improve blood glucose control, reduce cardiovascular risk factors, contribute to weight loss, and improve well being.
About Kathy Smith: (Source: Beachbody)
For more than 20 years, Kathy Smith has stood at the forefront of the fitness industry, with a collection of best-selling fitness books and DVDs covering topics from yoga and menopause to weight lifting and Pilates. She has developed and sold more than $500 million in lifestyle and nutrition products, infomercials, and fitness equipment. She regularly shares her expertise with countless media outlets, including the Los Angeles Times, the Today ShowOprah, and Larry King Live. She serves on the Board of the Women's Sports Foundation and the University of Southern California's School of Gerontology.
A member of the Video Hall of Fame, Kathy received the "Lifetime Achievement" award from IDEA, the world's largest professional fitness organization, and gave this year's keynote address at Can-Fit-Pro, North America's largest health and wellness conference. Kathy's brand continues to reach an international audience: she sported the "milk mustache" for a multimedia "Got Milk?" campaign and also lent her likeness to millions of Special K cereal boxes. Kathy contributes to a number of health–related causes on local and national levels.
For her latest project in an alliance with the American Diabetes Association, Beachbody®, and Team Beachbody® join forces to combat type 2 diabetes and pre-diabetes with the launch of her complete nutrition and exercise program Kathy Smith's Project:YOU! Type 2®. Studies have shown that people with pre-diabetes can prevent or delay the development of type 2 diabetes through changes to their lifestyles that include weight loss and regular physical activity. With the help of nutritionists, certified diabetes educators, physicians, and the American Diabetes Association, Kathy has created a simple but effective program to help people manage type 2 diabetes and pre-diabetes, is determined to make a huge impact in reducing the al mount of people affected by type 2 diabetes, and will help those with the disease fight back and regain control of their lives. For Kathy, this is just the beginning!
See the video below for more information on this life changing and inspiring system for you or someone you love!  We not only can stop the trend of obesity, but we can supply breakthroughs for many other diseases. 
To purchase Kathy Smith's: Project You: Type 2 click on:

Project You: Type2

American Diabetes Association & Kathy Smith

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Monday, January 17, 2011

7 key foods to help you get the most out of your workout.

At some point in your hooked-in, hard-core Beachbody® experience, or even if you're just getting started, this thought may cross your mind: Wish I could get results even faster.
Well, now you can. Here's a list of dynamic foods that bring a lot to the table. Not only do they fit within a healthy nutrition plan, they're capable of sending your lazy taste buds a nice wake-up call.
  1. Tomatoes. Make the lowly tomato your best friend and you could potentially up your chances of staying healthy and recovering faster. They're loaded with vitamins, minerals, fiber, and phytonutrients. And because they're particularly rich in vitamin C and carotenoids, they may boost heart health, fight oxidative stress, protect against a variety of cancers, and combat inflammation. Tomatoes also contain potassium, an electrolyte that helps maintain fluid balance.
  2. FishFish. A powerhouse of lean protein, fish lets you load up without blowing your calorie budget. The very leanest choices include white-fleshed fish like flounder or tilapia, as well as most shellfish, including lobster. Even dark-fleshed fish like tuna and salmon are considered lean, and the fat they provide (in the form of fish oil) can help regulate hormones and metabolism and reduce inflammation. 

    Of course, all this muscle-building power won't show up as a six-pack if you're not careful about how the fish is prepared. Watch out for calorie bombs like deli tuna salad and deep-fried fish or calamari.
  3. Açai berry. What look like ordinary small, purple berries are actually one of the best superfoods in the world. Açai berries contain one of the highest concentration of antioxidants of any known food, along with fiber, iron, amino acids, and healthy omega fatty acids. Add them to your diet in the form of juice or pulp and you can expect a load of benefits, including increased energy, faster recovery rate, boosted immune system, stabilized blood sugar levels, and more.
  4. Dark green leafy vegetables. Breaking news: Popeye was right about eating spinach. Especially if you want to build muscle FAST. The antioxidants found in dark green vegetables help counteract the oxidative muscle damage that comes with heavy training or exercise. So vegetables like broccoli, collard greens, lettuce, kale, and our hero spinach should be high on your list.
  5. Blueberries. Mom could've said, "Eat your blueberries and you'll grow up strong." This miniature superfruit is chock-full of nutrients and antioxidants. So if you're involved in strenuous activity, a daily cup or two of blueberries can help reduce cell damage. They also promote healthy blood pressure and contain complex carbs and fiber to help sustain energy and keep you in the game.
  6. EggsEggs. When you're trying to add muscle, protein is as important as any dumbbell or training buddy. Most important, you want increased "clean calories" from whole, natural, unprocessed foods—like eggs. Eggs are one of the most perfect proteins for growing lean muscle. By incorporating egg whites into your diet (with a small amount of egg yolk), you can get a high amount of protein for a relatively low number of calories. Six egg whites will give you 99 calories and 21 grams of protein. Now that's a deal.
  7. Green tea. If you're working out regularly, giving your body a constant supply of antioxidants can promote quicker recovery on a cellular level. And drinking green tea is a good way to vary your antioxidant intake. On top of its antioxidant properties, green tea can help protect the cardiovascular system and increase metabolic rate (which supports weight control), and may provide some anticancer and blood pressure–reducing benefits.
Add these 7 foods to your oxidant-fighting arsenal.
Go ahead and rev up your engine with these heavy hitters for quicker results. But don't neglect your regular exercise program and healthy eating plan. Those are the real key. Start with a sound regimen, then add these seven for extra kick.  and check out WOWY the dynamic online supergym that's there for you 24/7!  Answers to your questions, tips for your nutrition and a meal plan designed specifically for your needs.  These, along with many other perks are offered for less than $40 every quarter.  Undeniably an invaluable tool for your lifestyle.  
Source;  Team Beachbody Newsletter 

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Happiness is not far away

I have been told I am remembered for my smile; I've been asked "Why are you so happy?" I've been told that I don't have to smile all the time. Does it really make people uncomfortable when one smiles through adversity or just smiles for the simple fact that they are just truly happy?  It made me wonder about my own happiness and adversity I have gone through and why am I always so darn happy?

I am happy; a well adjusted 30 something adult! Remember that show?  "30-Something"  True to life I am a 30 something; on the verge of being an almost "40-something" next month! 

Wow and  almost in the best shape of my life and improving every day as I have committed myself to unique exercise routines. Not unknown ones though, P90x is a social phenomenon & TurboFire is simply a storm of awesomeness.   Both of these are taking the health and fitness industry to a whole new level.  Decide Commit Succeed.  A unique philosophy?  No, not really; just a philosophy that anyone can attain to and do!  That's right DO, one of my friends favorite words! DO!  

My generation has seemed to have broken the cycle of really looking our age, some attributed to botox and plastic surgery.  An avenue that I myself have explored but have not endeavored to do.  Instead I choose exercise, eating right, and  beachbody supplements.  Of course Shakeology is part of my daily routine. Who wouldn't want to get happy knowing that they are going to have more mental clarity, more energy, get their insides healthy?  And my skin.. oh man! MY SKIN is pretty great!  See my picture. I certainly don't my age! 

Yup, there it is, I am in my late, late 30's! So very cool! I've lived greatness, seen it, and attain to have it more in my life!

I am happy for a multitude of reasons.
One of course being addicted to the Word and walking the life of a believer with my eyes steady on God. That's a natural no brainer for me; just a path I have chosen. 

Another path?  Shakeology; which is a meal replacement shake and tastes so; well; yummy! It is true what Beachbody says about this shake: "Nutrition never tasted so good"!  This shake has 70 natural ingredients to provide your body with the nutrients it needs.  And it's not just what your body needs, it is what my body was craving and I didn't even know it. "IMPROVE my body" is what it was screaming at me!  And I'm thinking, hey I'll just eat this salad and call it a day!  Uh, no, not good enough.  So what about a serving of broccoli with the processed meal?  Uh, that was a no too!  So I added Shakeology to my daily routine! And WOOSH; just like Superman flying in; my body was S-A-T-I-S-F-I-E-D! Who knew?  Beachbody knew, Dr. Bill Wheeler knew, and now I know!  *And no more processed foods either for me* Oh and by the way, I was a 2 x a day Mountain Dew drinker, I stopped drinking soda pre-shakeology; it's garbage; and now there's none in the house! I use shakeology to get my energy.  I'm not a coffee drinker either, so my energy is purely Shakeology and eating right.

In my first week of using Shakeology I was regular for the first time in my adult life.  And in my second week, my "Auntie" said something about my skin and how it looked great and I looked younger.  I have always had somewhat good skin, except those years of running horses, training them 18 hours a day, guiding in the Rocky Mountains and being weathered! Oh man, I was a wrinkled mess truly looking older than I was (you won't find those pictures up on FB but I do have them for proof). And now, I am looking and feeling great; a huge confidence booster. So this makes me happy.

Another path to happiness for me?  Working out!  Simply stated I get happy when I workout! Very happy, sometimes so happy that I am beaming for hours; even after being so exhausted  laying on the floor after a P90x workout or a TurboFire HIIT.  It is truly an enjoyment for me as I watch my body morph from loosey goosey to less loosey goosiness and added lean muscle! HELLO!   I whoop it up working out in my own gym at my home (commonly known as the former place a couple vehicles would sit in)!  I holler at the trainer excitedly saying "Oh yeah! Bring It! Yeah, I'll give you 20; shoot I'll give you 22! Fire Drills? I'll give you a Fire Drill!"  Chalene Johnson is my trainer! Tony Horton is my trainer! I enjoy the feelings of quality and form vs quantity right now and I push myself to the limit because you know what? There is a countdown clock!  I know I can DO it, I CAN DO IT! And yes, this makes me very happy! 

I am  also one of those that really enjoys mirrors!  I have hung up many more in my house! I have caught myself watching my walk while in workout gear to check for those added jiggles that need work, to see where I am being lifted more (uh-huh), to see how my clothes are sitting differently!  To check out my bum, my arms, legs, hair and makeup; etc.   I catch myself, lingering longer as I check myself out in jeans; yes kind of constantly when there are mirrors around!   I'm pleased and I know this holiday season is going to be great for me!  I am in control of how I look; and that makes me happy!  So no, I will not be in a food coma on the couch after any holiday dinner.

Almost two years ago I was in an accident. I sustained a difficult and  life threatening injury; one which put me out of commission for quite a while (20 months) and had me taking many trips to the Naval Hospital.  When I was injured I was a size minus zero ( I shopped in the little girl section for my swim suits and skinny jeans, wearing a 23 or 24" waist jean) and at 5'almost8"  that's not good nor attractive!! And remember wrinkled skin.  I gained loads of weight!  After my accident  I couldn't even do a sit up and that's from doing 100 sit ups a day and loads of push ups including military style; throwing 100lb hay bales was nothing for me and training upwards of 5 horses a day was normal routine.  You see, one push up or one sit up would put pressure on my head and that was one of my injuries.  I had an injury from a horse accident along with a broken jaw and fractured ribs in my Thoracic area (yes they were fractured from behind; and three of them still go out ripping muscle every now and then when I enjoy some boxing).  

I am now jumping, doing push ups, sit ups, jumping jacks, jumping rope, climbing on ladders, standing on a skateboard, all things that one can normally do but now doing these things; makes me happy!  Because I CAN do them!  So you see you can exercise, you can do it daily, you can eat right, you can make changes in your life that will bring you greatness!  I have an obligation to my workout schedule, without the two previous mentioned exercise routines I would be lost in the gym (the one where you have to pay a fee and drive too.)

Another thing about my injury that makes me happy?  I was able to take all the tests that pilots take.  Here's a description of one that I repeated often: I was strapped  (my head was bolted, we'll call it "in place" for visual purposes) into quite the 'Alice in Wonderland' large chair and spun up and down, round and round, this way and that way; at enormous G speed  in a small padded structure. And then instructed to put a red horizontal laser line straight with a pilot's stick in each hand only being able to manipulate my thumbs to accomplish this at times frustrating  task.  *And repeat for over 30 minutes; until my eyes felt like they were going to shake out of their sockets.*   even when  I couldn't get that 2 foot line straight, yes it was fun; I was smiling. Knowing I would be healed and these were just avenues to go down. A great experience for me to do; not fun all the time. But I truly enjoy my experiences and look for the brighter side of things.

 I figure the padding was for when the straps around my ankles, shins, lap, arms (upper & lower), wrists, pilot seat belt and head bolts came undone along with the computer mask flying off, the landing wasn't going to be all that hard.  Can you picture that?  Straps flying off, head bolts unscrewing, computer mask coming off, and I went flying through the air into black padding! BAM!!  That's just hysterical.  Please laugh here!  I am healed up now, and only sometimes can I not jump as much or as high; but I CAN jump and maintain balance! WooHoo!! (side note: I am the only non Active Duty Military person  that has been allowed in this program of recovery; which was a huge blessing.)  This makes me happy, because when you know what's wrong; you know what needs to be fixed then you simply take action and add believing!  It is just that simple for me. Take action, believe for healing and wammo! Healing!

So let's recap:
Why am I so happy?
~I choose a greater walk in life
~I'm a survivor and completely healed up
~I choose nutrition
~I choose to workout
~I choose to not live in the past and look forward always
~I choose to know that I will have 6 pack abs soon or a 4 pack soon and a 6 pack soon after that.. or is it.. a 2 pack? Well, I KNOW that I will have a pack of some kind of awesome abs!

There are many other things that make me happy but God, my kiddos, my Beachbody business,  my nutrition, my exercise, and quite simply my outlook sure has made it simpler. 

And thank you Beachbody and Carl Daikeler along with Jon Congdon for making me even more happy!  My outlook on life is great;  because of great trainers and programs like Tony Horton & P90x; and Chalene Johnson & TurboFire; and  because of Shakeology and Dr.Bill Wheeler.  And also because I have chosen a higher road of peace, simplicity, life, love, fitness, health and nutrition.  So all of these are avenues to keep me happy.  And being happy, makes me even more happy.  I am a better person for my kiddos, for my life, for my friends; and you know what? People want a piece of my happiness!  And I want to give it to them!  Paying it forward is normal, it is a way of life for me.  Laughing is joy and not a day goes by without it.  So I don't mind when people ask me why I'm always smiling, or tell me that I don't have to smile all the time.  I know I don't 'have to' smile but not smiling is just not who I am!  I Smile because I am truly happy! 

I write my story daily while not just watching life pass me by, but by jumping in with my whole being and smiling because happiness is never far away; it is within me and within you! 

Do you want a piece of my motivation and outlook? Follow me on Twitter: @JDorsettKoch  Keep checking my FB for total coolness!
Drink Shakeology & workout with me! I'd love to be your motivator!

A few Favorite Quotes!

Believe you can and your halfway there. ~Theodore Roosevelt

People can hold the truth, but the truth won't hold them if they don't walk in it. ~Dr. Victor Paul Wierwille

Positive thinking will let you do everything better than negative thinking. ~Zig Ziglar

Nothing happens until something starts moving. ~Albert Einstein

To create something exceptional your mindset must be relentlessly focused on the smallest detail. ~Giorgio Armani

Follow me on Twitter, inspiring others to be great in their day to day lives.  Motivating everyone to their success and to attain all of their goals and dreams! @JDorsettKoch

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

SuperCharge your Metabolism

No complicating moves, burn fat all day long after your workout. Lean Phasing will attack fat while you switch between the 3 successful phases!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Business Ownership for $39.99

You Can Become a Beachbody Coach for $39.99!!

The Beachbody Coach Membership does NOT require you to buy or sell ANY amount of product on a monthly basis.  The only required expense is $14.95/month  for your coach websites (starting 30 days AFTER you join.)

There are 2 DIFFERENT Reasons People Decide to Become a Beachbody Coach …

  1. To Save 25% On ALL Beachbody ProductsAs a Beachbody Coach, you will receive a 25% discount on ALL suppliments, programs (including P90X, Insanity, ChaLEAN Extreme, Slim in Six). You also get a 25% discount on the BEST weight loss meal replacement shake – Shakeology.Plus, you make money if you ever recommend a Beachbody products to your friends, family members, coworkers or associates and they purchase it from you.  There are several ‘buy from a Coach’ incentives going on also.  People who purchase from a Coach receive additional FREE workouts with certain programs.
  2. To Work from Home with Beachbody.  Beachbody is a nationally known and respected company that shows you (step by step) how to build a profitable home based business. If you’ve been wanting to try a specific program, Shakeology, or any of Beachbody’s other nutritional supplements, you can now save money on them…month after month… forever.Here’s an Example of Beachbody Coach Savings:Shakeology costs $119.95, but for coaches it is only $89.95. That’s a $30 discount every month.  $120 Shakeology -$ 30 Coach Discount+$ 15 Monthly Coach Fee  $105 for Shakeology as a Coach

So you save $15 a Month on Shakeology (which you could use to get the Club Membership.)  Plus, you save 25% on ALL other Beachbody supplements and fitness programs.